A healthy lifestyle can lower your risk for some serious long-term diseases.
- If you quit smoking now, you can breathe more freely, feel healthier and also reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and lung cancer.This is how long it takes to get the benefits:
Time Benefit
5 days Cleaner breath and hair, sense of taste and smell improved.
3 months Blood pressure returns to normal, breathing and lung function improves
6 months Further breathing improvements, reduced infections
12 months Risk of coronary heart disease halved
1–5 years Significant reduction in risk of stroke and coronary heart disease
5–10 years Reduced risk of lung cancer and cervical cancer
- Eating enough fruit and vegetables lowers your risk of cancer and heart disease. With the right advice, you can eat for health.
- Most of us enjoy an alcohol drink within limits, but binge-drinking or regular heavy drinking can cause ill health, accidents and personal problems. With the right advice, most people can enjoy alcohol in moderation.
- Just 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, mental illness and obesity.
- Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight lowers your risk for diabetes, heart disease and other common long-term illnesses.
At Fresh Therapeutics we take our own health seriously, training and competing in various physical activities.